
As the name suggests, axinomancy involves use of implements such as an axe, hatchet or saw for divination.
In one method of axinomancy, the axe is thrown to the ground or at a tree. The direction of the handle and the blade is interpreted by the reader.
Another popular method requires the blade of the axe to be heated in a fire until it glows. The different hues and shapes emerging as a result are subject to interpretation.
The Greek method of axinomancy was to balance a circular agate on the sharp edge of the axe and see the direction in which the agate would roll off. If it remained as placed it was a negative sign while if it rolled off thrice in the same manner and same direction, it indicated good luck in finding treasures.
Axinomancy has also been used to locate robbers. The axe was put on the ground with the head below and the handle in the air. The people present had to dance around it till the axe handle fell to the ground. The end of the handle would indicate the direction in which the robbers had escaped. A variation of this method states that the axe head should be stuck in a round pot.
In the Bible, Psalm 74 allegedly refers to the use of axinomancy to prophecise the fall of Jerusalem, though the mention of the axe here is not specifically for such divinations methods.