Sylvia Browne Predictions
Please note: Most of the predictions listed below have been taken from sources which are considered reliable but we do not guarantee their accuracy. As time permits the predictions will be checked to ensure that there were in fact made by Sylvia Browne and the results are accurate. Please contact us if you can provide relevant information.
Year of predicted event |
Prediction | Result |
2004 | Seattle will have a 5.4 earthquake in February, but it will not cause much damage. | Wrong |
2004 | American troops will be pulled out of Iraq by June or July. | Wrong |
2004 | In July unemployment will hit an all-time high before improving with the advent of new technology from Texas and Nevada. | Wrong |
2004 | In July/August, employees from two major airlines will go on strike and cruise line travel will increase to an all-time high, as people will feel safer with this form of travel. | Wrong |
2004 | In August/September, Hurricanes will hit the Florida Keys and Mexico. | Correct |
2004 | In November, President Bush will not be reelected. | Wrong |
2004 | 6.0 earthquakes will hit both Alaska and Japan some time during the year. | Unknown* |
2004 | In December, Saddam Hussein will die. | Wrong |
2004 | Osama bin Laden is "dead as a doornail." | Wrong |
2004 | Martha Stewart will not go to jail. | Wrong |
2004 | North Korea will launch nuclear weapons. | Wrong |
2005 | Pope John Paul II will not live beyond April. | Correct |
2005 | A black pope will replace John Paul II. | Wrong |
? | Sometime later, a triumvirate of Popes will be elected, each assigned to a different geographic area. | Unknown |
2006 | The United States will go to war with North Korea. | Wrong |
2006 | There will be an alcohol scandal about the President of the United States. | Wrong |
2006 | The government will allow doctors to prescribe medical marijuana. | Wrong |
2006 | Michael Jackson will do jail time. | Wrong |
2006 | SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is related to dairy allergy with some children. | Wrong |
2010 | Aliens will visit Earth some time during the year. | Unknown |
- Neither of the correct answers were particularly difficult to get right; August/September is the middle of Florida's hurricane season, and Pope John Paul II was seriously ill when Sylvia predicted his demise.
- Browne's record of predicting presidential elections, as analyzed here, is 43% correct (basically worse than random guessing).
Although this is obviously not a definitive list, it is a reasonable representation of the types of predictions Sylvia Browne makes. The accuracy rate appears to be fairly standard for a celebrity psychic.
* Please let us know if you can provide relevant information.