Sylvia Browne Videos
Click any of the videos in the playlist to view videos featuring Sylvia Browne. Click the "i" button while playing a video for linking and download options.
Notes about these videos:
In the interest of fairness and balance, we have tried to find a variety of videos that show a mix of criticism and support for Sylvia Browne. The criteria is that there should be some documentation or evidence involved, as there is little point in showing Sylvia giving a reading without follow-up, or showing unsubstantiated anecdotes.
To date we have only found one video in support of Sylvia. We would like to know of any others (contact us if you can help).
More notes:
- In the Fox News item, it is said that Sylvia has "cracked many cases". This has never been substantiated, in fact there is no actual evidence that she has ever cracked a single case.
- In the Larry King "test" item, Sylvia agrees to take the JREF test. She later reneged on the deal, saying that she wouldn't take it because the prize money doesn't exist. After being given proof that it does exist, she changed tack to say she has "no need to prove herself".