
Lemuria refers to a lost area of land said to have been located in the Indian and/or Pacific oceans. Lemuria was considered part of the continent in the distant past, that was lost into the deep waters due to a catastrophic geographical occurrence.
In the modern era, the people of India, especially the occult scientists in the southern states of India, use the term Lemuria for various occult practices.
The term Lemuria has a connection with Lemurs. It was believed that the last existing species of Lemur were found in Africa, Madagascar, India, and the East Indian archipelago. Zoologists were forced to believe that there existed a land that once connected Australia and India where the Lemurs existed and thus it was named Lemuria.
Many scientific theories were coined by geologists in order to support the theory that Lemuria existed in the past. However, these theories were proved wrong after the advent of the plate tectonics theory and continental drift theory. According to these modern theories, sunken continents are practical impossibilities, and thus modern geologists questioned the existence of such hidden continents.
Ancient Tamil scripts were obtained which apparently contained details of the land Lemuria, a big portion of Tamil Nadu, the southern state of India, that was connected to Australia and later submerged in the sea.
Lemuria and its inhabitants were mentioned in many ancient literatures. An English Theosophist W. Scott-Elliot claimed that he received the spiritual clairvoyance that the sexual exploits of Lemurians distanced them from the spiritual beings, the Lhas, who then refused to incarnate into the bodies of Lemurians.
Lemuria is now a term exploited mostly by modern psychics and occults. They claim that they channel the Lemurians for various occult purposes.