Pyromancy is the art of divination by using fire; it is deeply rooted in ancient Greek mythology. Fire has always been considered an important part of our life and thus pyromancy has always been given a high position in the occult world. Even today pyromancy is studied by a number of researchers. It is considered similar to crystal ball gazing; the variation is that you gaze into the fire. It is said that pyromancy offers an easier and clearer picture of what we wish to see than any other technique.
There are several other divination methods which fall under pyromancy and all use fire in some way. Some may involve burning a specific substance and some may just need smoke. Some examples include capnomancy (divination by smoke), alomancy (divination in which salt is thrown into fire), daphnomancy (divination by burning laurel leaves), botanomancy (burning of various leaves) and sideromancy (burning straws).
In pyromancy the flame of a sacrificial fire, candle or any other such source is gazed into. It was believed that it was a good omen if the fire started easily. If it was hard to kindle, it was not a good sign. The virgins of Athens are said to have carried out this divination every special day in the Temple of Athena.