
A werewolf is a bestial creature, formed by the transformation of a human being into a wolf by the influence of the moon. The word 'werewolf' is derived from the Old Saxon word 'wer' which means 'man'.
Werewolves are said to feed upon infants and corpses. It is believed that werewolves can be transformed back into human beings if somebody kills them. Religious talismans (such as crosses) cannot defeat them. They are vulnerable to only silver objects, and they can be killed using objects such as silver arrows, silver bullets, etc.
There are two types of werewolves - voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary wolves are associated with devils directly, especially for achieving an evil purpose. Involuntary werewolves, on the other hand, are born naturally. It is believed in certain religions that a child born on a new moon night or a child who is suffering from epilepsy will transform himself / herself into a werewolf in his / her later life.
It is also assumed that a werewolf couple would give birth to a werewolf child.
Many religions assign a devil's association to werewolves. The concept of werewolf, therefore, is profane to many religions. Those who practice morphing into werewolf do it so in order to achieve the association with devils and execute evil plans.
There are various methods described in many legends to transform oneself into a werewolf. One common practice is to wear a wolf belt. The wolf belt is made of the skin of a wolf. There are other methods too, such as smearing a salve that is prepared with some magical herbs on the body of the person who intends to transform or drinking special enchanted water that has got the magical powers to do so.